Photo: envato
If you are a fan of alternative medicine and you are always looking for different options to take care of your health, you will love this article since this time we will talk about the gem therapy , an ancestral practice that you can put into very easy practice .
¿What is gem therapy

Well, gem therapy is a type of therapeutic practice in which various crystals and stones are used, with the purpose of helping to find a balance and also r egenerate the mind and body of those who practice it.
The same way, this can help to relieve ailments and diseases such as: depression, migraines, insomnia, rheumatism, back pain, thyroid problems among many other ailments .
¿How stones and crystals can help me with this?
Photo: envato
It has been thanks to science that the composition of the various semi-precious stones and natural crystals is currently known, and this in turn has helped us to know how the minerals that make them up they benefit our health.
We cannot leave aside the esoteric meaning that has been given to this ancient practice since since very old times , man has made use of this thanks to all the spiritual properties attributed to the various stones used in gem therapy.
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¿As practiced

There are many ways to put gem therapy into practice, from performing massages with stones and/or crystals and essential oils, to oral intake of various elixirs that contain them. The simplest way, and perhaps one of the most effective, is through continuous touch, soit is only enough to carry some of them to benefit from their properties.
¿what stones are used?
There is a wide variety of stones that have great properties, however, here we list 3 of the most used in gem therapy.
1.- Amber
This fossilized resin is credited with being a great ally for stress, anxiety and muscle pain.

2.- Amethyst
This beautiful stone characterized by its beautiful purple color, is very effective for insomnia, migraines and stress

3.- Turquoise
It has been chosen for centuries, for its great benefits in conditions such as anorexia, altered nerves as well as an aid in tissue regeneration.

Now that you know that stones beyond decorating your body can help you benefit your health, which one would you like to take with you? Share it with us in comments, we will be happy to read you..